QUEST Canada has heard from a large number of diverse stakeholders wanting a more comprehensive net-zero dialogue – one that builds on electrification with the deployment of a diversity of additional local low-carbon energy solutions.
Community Energy Planning Alignment & Implementation Framework
Community Energy Planning Alignment & Implementation FrameworkWhat is the CEP Alignment and Implementation...
Theory of Change
QUEST Canada’s theory of change seeks to ensure that 500 diverse communities in Canada are implementing durable and just net-zero strategies by 2030.
Principles for Smart Energy Communities
A Smart Energy Community seamlessly integrates local, renewable, and conventional energy sources to efficiently,...
Support for Indigenous Community Energy Planning
Supports for Indigenous Community Energy Planning The inventory is a summary of a jurisdictional scan of existing...
Smart Energy Communities Benchmark
Accelerating the Implementation of Renewable Energy – Protocol
The AI-RE (Accelerating the Implementation of Renewable Energy) protocol is a free online resource to support municipalities across Canada in accelerating the implementation of renewable energy and low-carbon energy systems.
Getting to Implementation in Canada
The Community Energy Planning Getting to Implementation in Canada Initiative was a three-year project that was...