
News Release

Three New Smart Energy Communities Scorecard Pilot Communities Selected


Dec 11, 2018

Ottawa, Ontario – December 11, 2018. Today, QUEST and Pollution Probe announced that three new pilot communities have been selected to participate in the development of the Smart Energy Communities Scorecard. The communities are Beaconsfield, Quebec; Campbell River, British Columbia; and Markham, Ontario.

These three communities will be joining the six communities that have been participating in the development of the Scorecard since March 2018.

The Smart Energy Communities Scorecard will be the first tool of its kind to apply asystems thinking approach to evaluate how the policies and processes of multiple sectors, including local governments, utilities, and the real estate sector, are advancing the Smart Energy Communities approach. 

Smart Energy Communities improve energy efficiency, enhance reliability, cut costs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Scorecard initiative will provide communities with:

  • A suite of qualitative performance indicators that evaluate how multiple sectors in a community are contributing to Smart Energy Communities
  • A Scorecard Report that profiles the scores of the nine pilot communities, and the methodology for evaluating Smart Energy Communities
  • A web-based dashboard that illustrates a roadmap for action for the featured communities to advance along the pathway to becoming a Smart Energy Community

Leadership in community energy planning, geographic representation, and community size were all taken into consideration when selecting the pilot communities.

To learn more about these communities and the Smart Energy Communities Scorecard visit: www.questcanada.org/scorecard

“The City of Beaconsfield’s mission is to provide an inclusive community which offers a high quality of life and respects the natural and built environments through responsible and innovative management. Our participation in the development of the Smart Energy Communities Scorecard provides the opportunity to collaborate with innovative communities across Canada, which will serve to motivate our residents to join us in the efforts to become a more sustainable, self-sufficient, and resilient community in the face of climate change.”

Mayor Georges Bourelle

Mayor of Beaconsfield


“Campbell River is committed to demonstrating leadership on climate action and as part of implementing our Community Energy and Emissions Plan we are working to encourage economic development in the building, energy retrofit and renewable energy sectors. The Smart Energy Communities scorecard initiative will provide a valuable tool for communities across the country to measure progress on implementing our energy and emissions plans, and Campbell River is pleased to be selected to participate in this innovative national initiative.”

Mayor Andy Adams

Mayor of Campbell River
British Columbia

“Sustainability creates jobs in a new economy”, says Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti. “At the City of Markham, we have taken bold steps to help fight climate change and reduce our carbon footprint. Our municipal waste diversion rate is over 80%, Markham was the first municipality in North America to ban textile waste from curbside collection and has the largest municipally owned rooftop portfolio in Ontario. We are promoting energy awareness, earth friendly initiatives and building a greener, healthier future.”

Mayor Frank Scarpitti

Mayor of Markham

“A Smart Energy Community is at once resilient, affordable, energy efficient, clean, and prosperous and at QUEST we are working toward the vision that every Canadian community will become a Smart Energy Community. Beaconsfield, Campbell River, and Markham are examples of communities that are leading the way.”

Tonja Leach

Executive Director


“It is excellent that we have three new communities that have been selected to participate in the project. Beaconsfield, Markham, and Campbell River will join a group of six other best in class examples of Smart Energy Communities.”

Richard Carlson

Director, Energy Exchange and Energy Policy

Pollution Probe


QUEST is a national non-government organization that works to accelerate the adoption of efficient and integrated community-scale energy systems in Canada by informing, inspiring, and connecting decision-makers. QUEST undertakes research, communicates best practices, convenes government, utility, private-sector and community leaders, and works directly with local authorities to implement on-the-ground solutions. QUEST recognizes communities that have embraced these principles by referring to them as Smart Energy Communities.

Media Contact

Cheryl Ratchford

Senior Lead Marketing & Communications
Email: cratchford@questcanada.org
Tel.: (866) 494-2770 ext. 703

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