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ReCover’s National Panelized Deep Retrofit Webinar


This hour-long technical presentation will feature industry experts exploring the technical details of panelized deep retrofit feasibility studies in municipal buildings in six municipalities across Canada.

Ontario Community Energy and Climate Meeting


By implementing a community energy and emissions plan (CEEP) and using energy more efficiently, a community can keep dollars circulating longer in its economy, generate opportunities for local energy projects […]

Prairie Net-Zero Communities Accelerator Working Group


We are honoured to have Marc Baxter, Environment and Sustainability Lead, Electricity Sustainability and Innovation at the Government of Alberta, as our speaker. Marc's role has been pivotal in shaping […]

Low Carbon Thermal Network

The Low-Carbon Thermal Network will enhance cooperation between QUEST Canada Supporters with an interest in low-carbon thermal energy by providing a forum for discussion and information exchange intended to help […]

Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of Practice

The Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of Practice (CoP) provides a space for practitioners to share tips and best practices, ask questions of their colleagues, and receive peer-to-peer support on […]

National Deep Retrofit Community of Practice

The National Deep Retrofit Community of Practice is made up of stakeholders interested in implementing deep retrofit strategies at the community level. Participants will meet five times a year. The […]

Ontario Community Energy and Climate Working Group


This month, we are honoured to have Bob Willard of Sustainability Advantage presenting on Net-Zero Procurement. He will also provide a Net-Zero Procurement Toolkit for Municipalities to use for their […]

Prairie Net-Zero Communities Accelerator Working Group


We are honoured to have presenting this month on community energy and emissions planning our speakers Peter Robinson, the Community Energy Association’s Director of Climate Planning & Research, and Katherine […]

NB-PEI Municipal Working Group

Launched in 2016, the New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island (NB-PEI) Municipal Working Group is a resource for municipalities engaged in community energy planning, partnership-building and smart energy projects to […]

National Deep Retrofit Community of Practice

The National Deep Retrofit Community of Practice is made up of stakeholders interested in implementing deep retrofit strategies at the community level. Participants will meet five times a year. The […]