
News Release

Smart Energy Communities Market Survey


Sep 20, 2016

Ottawa, Ontario – September 20, 2016. QUEST is seeking your participation in a survey which will form
the basis of the first ever Canadian Smart Energy Communities Market Intelligence Report.

“The marketplace for Smart Energy Communities has seen exponential growth for almost a decade but understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the marketplace has been a bit like the game of Risk,” said Brent Gilmour, Executive Director of QUEST. “Our network has asked for advanced tools and services to establish themselves as leaders, and the 2016 Smart Energy Communities Market Survey will collect critical market intelligence that will be distributed to our network.”

But first we need to hear from you!

Advancing Smart Energy Communities requires business partnerships at every turn. At one end of this market is demand primarily from local governments, utilities & energy service providers and the real estate sector, who are looking to advance local energy planning, programming and projects. At the other end and serving this market, is a range of technology, product and service providers.

Your participation will provide community and industry leaders across the country the intelligence they need to better understand the market supply and demand for Smart Energy Communities.

The Smart Energy Communities 2016 Market Report will provide insights into:


Which sectors are driving the most demand?


Which products and services are in most demand?


Which provinces and regions are most active?


What are some of the barriers and challenges being observed in the market?


And much more…

All survey participants will receive an advance copy of the report and be offered a special discount to QUEST’s annual conference and tradeshow, Smart Energy Communities for Jobs, Infrastructure & Climate Leadership.

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