
News Release

QUEST’s Board Appoints Two New Directors


Feb 13, 2018

Ottawa, Ontario – February 13, 2018.  Today, QUEST announced two new additions to its Board of Directors. Dr. Karen Farbridge, President of Karen Farbridge and Associates (KFA), and Doug Leighton, Vice President of Sustainability at Brookfield Residential.

Dr. Farbridge has over 25 years of experience leading community innovation. Her experience includes 17 years in municipal politics and 11 years as the mayor of Guelph, Ontario, which gained a reputation for sustainability under her leadership.

Doug Leighton brings over 35 years of international experience as an urban designer, planner and architect. He initiated and heads the sustainability platform at Brookfield Residential Properties, a major North American land development and homebuilding company.

“We are thrilled that Karen and Doug have joined the QUEST Board of Directors,” said Michael Harcourt, Chair of the Board. Their combined influence in the community and real estate sectors will serve to reinforce QUEST’s leadership role as the voice for the Smart Energy Communities marketplace in Canada.

The real-estate sector is continuing to evolve and innovate when it comes to the efficient use of energy in communities and homes – as a land developer and home builder we recognize the role we play and influence we have,” said Mr. Leighton. “ I am excited to be part of an organization that is helping to shape energy change across Canada.

Having been a part of the QUEST network for many years, both as a Senior Associate and as Chair of the QUEST Ontario Caucus, it is an honour to be asked to join the Board of Directors”, said Dr. Farbridge. “My passion is community innovation and QUEST is demonstrating real leadership in this area by connecting, influencing and educating communities across the country that are making Smart Energy Communities come to life.”

Learn more about the QUEST Board of Directors at www.questcanada.org/board


QUEST is the voice of the Smart Energy Communities marketplace in Canada. With a network of eight provincial and regional Caucuses, their related working groups, and a reach of thousands of stakeholders, QUEST is supporting governments, utilities & energy service providers, the real-estate sector (owners, operators and builders), and the product and professional service sector, among others to implement Smart Energy Communities. Join us and benefit from the QUEST national network by taking advantage of QUEST research, Subscriber Services, Advisory Services, and regional Caucuses and Working Groups. Follow us: @QUESTCanada

For additional information:

Tonja Leach, Senior Lead, National Affairs and Services
Tel.: 613-627-2938 x 706
E: tleach@questcanada.org

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