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News Release

QUEST Announces Winners of the 2014 Community Energy Builder Awards


Dec 3, 2014

Vancouver, BC – On December 2nd, QUEST announced the winners of the 2014 Community Energy Builder Awards at the annual QUEST Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony in Vancouver, BC. The Community Energy Builder Awards are presented annually by QUEST to recognize leadership and innovation in advancing Smart Energy Communities in Canada. Awards are presented in three categories that reflect
the key implementing sectors of Smart Energy Communities: Local Government, Real Estate Sector, and Utility.

The Winners of the 2014 Community Energy Builder Awards were selected for projects, programs, or plans completed in 2013-2014.

The Winner of the 2014 Community Energy Builder Award for “Local Government” is the City of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, for successfully completing a 10-year community energy plan and exceeding greenhouse gas emission reduction targets by 100%, in part by converting from oil to renewable wood-pellet burning heating systems.

Runners-up in the Local Government category were the City of Guelph (Ontario) and The City of Colwood (BC).

The Winner of the 2014 Community Energy Builder Award for “Utility” is Envida Community Energy Inc. from Guelph, Ontario, for building and commissioning the first segment of the Galt District Energy System, implementing seven solar energy facilities and a small-scale combined heat and power system, obtaining approval for a forthcoming large-scale combined heat and power facility and qualifying to develop biomass projects.

Runners-up in the Utility category were PowerStream (Ontario) and Union Gas (Ontario).

The Winner of the 2014 Community Energy Builder Award for “Real Estate Sector” is Westbank, from British Columbia, who in partnership with TELUS Communications are building the “TELUS Garden” property, which includes a 22-story LEED-Platinum office tower as well as a small district energy system that captures waste heat from an adjacent TELUS data centre and uses it for space and water heating.

Runners-up in the Real Estate Sector category were Wesgroup (BC) and Cadillac Fairview (BC).

“With 60% of energy use and over half of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada happening in communities, it’s clear that sustainable communities need to start by being Smart Energy Communities,” said Michael Harcourt, Former Premier of British Columbia and Mayor of Vancouver, and Chair of QUEST. “I congratulate the community builders who are the winners of this year’s awards for taking the
lead and setting an important example.”

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