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News Release

GTI Pilot Communities Initiative: Call for Expression of Interest


Jul 28, 2015

Ottawa, Ontario – July 28, 2015. The Community Energy Planning: Getting to Implementation in Canada initiative (GTI) is seeking three communities across Canada to serve as pilots to apply the leading practices for building and maintaining support, leadership and funding to accelerate the implementation of Community Energy Plans (CEPs).

A CEP is a tool that helps define community priorities around energy with a view to improving efficiency, cutting emissions, and driving economic development. It typically includes an energy and greenhouse gas inventory, targets and an action plan. While 180 communities across Canada, representing 50 percent of the population, have a CEP, all communities are facing challenges when it comes to

The objective of the GTI Pilot Communities Initiative is to help communities navigate the challenges associated with community energy planning and to accelerate CEP implementation.

The successful Canadian pilot communities will receive support to advance the implementation of their CEP over an 8-12 month period, including:


600+ hours of GTI expert staff time ($75,000 value/ per community), including:

  • Involvement of senior advisors with over 50 years of collective experience working with communities on implementation
  • Two briefings from senior advisors
  • Up to 5 in-person meetings with the GTI project team
  • Monthly teleconference meetings with the GTI project team

Participation in GTI events


A case study profiling your community published online

The deadline to submit an Expression of Interest is September 4th, 2015.

To learn more about the GTI Pilot Communities Initiative click here.

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