2018 Dream Team
There has never been a more exciting time for QUEST.
Several years back we established our vision that every Canadian community will be a Smart Energy Community by 2030. That date is creeping up fast, but our goal is looking more achievable than ever.
Why is that? In the past year, a significant and growing number of the various players in Canada’s energy ecosystem have embraced the Smart Energy Community marketplace. More than 400 communities—which together represent more than 50 percent of Canada’s population—are now in the smart-energy club.
“More than 400 communities—which together represent more than 50 percent of Canada’s population—are now in the smart-energy club.”
For QUEST, this impressive growth means new opportunities and new challenges. We need to ensure we are well-positioned to tackle these challenges and take full advantage of emerging opportunities.
That’s why today I am implementing a number of staff changes, as outlined below. These changes, effective immediately, will better position us to help governments identify and lower barriers, help utilities adapt to change, and help companies identify and leverage emerging opportunities in the Smart Energy Communities marketplace.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to QUEST’s 2018 dream team:
We will continue to build out the QUEST team over the coming months as we position the organization to deliver on our vision.
Please join me in congratulating everyone on their new responsibilities.
Brent Gilmour MCIP RPP
Executive Director
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