News Release
QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe Launch the Low Carbon Energy Innovation Project
QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe Launch the Low Carbon Energy Innovation Project
November 1, 2022—QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe are excited to announce the launch of their Low Carbon Energy Innovation Project. Extending and building on Pollution Probe and QUEST Canada’s successful Innovation Sandboxes (IS) initiative, this project will look at how we can create the necessary regulatory, policy, and market conditions for deploying low-carbon innovation in Canada.
The federal target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 has shifted the conversation, leaving the future of Canada’s energy sector at a crossroad. The need for innovation has grown, with a clear and ambitious objective materializing. Despite this, the current pace at which change is occuring is far from sufficient. Innovation in the energy sector needs to generate transformational, large-scale change in a short period of time. While we have much of the technology we need, according to the IEA’s net-zero scenario, it needs to be deployed faster than it has been in the past. The challenge is to develop an adequate set of policies, programs and regulatory tools that will enable the deployment and scaling up of available technologies in order to meet our net-zero targets.
“The Innovation Sandbox work was timely and shed useful light on needs and opportunities for innovation policy and programming to accelerate the energy transition – addressing barriers across the system, not just technology barriers. We look forward to seeing where this goes next!”
The project will combine cutting-edge research with on-the-ground qualitative analysis to develop a research database capturing the current state of low carbon innovation in the energy sector. In addition to the database, the project will also include the development of a National Low Carbon Innovation Scorecard. The Scorecard will provide a thorough and robust assessment of the low-carbon innovation landscape in Canada, evaluating each jurisdiction, to inform best practices and successful case studies nationwide. The project will culminate with a National Energy Innovation Symposium, bringing together key stakeholders from across the national energy sector. This event will provide an interactive and collaborative forum to inform the collective development of a national vision for energy innovation in Canada.
As the project progresses, we will be seeking the participation of energy-sector stakeholders to participate in provincial and territorial discussion groups (at a regional level across Canada), as well as in individual interviews to gain further insight into the current state of low carbon innovation in each jurisdiction. These discussions and interviews will provide valuable local context and additional information to support both the creation of a national research database and a low-carbon innovation scorecard. If you wish to be included, please reach out to Eddie Oldfield, Senior Lead, Projects, at QUEST Canada and visit our website for more information.
For more information on this project, visit the Low Carbon Energy Innovation Project page and join our mailing list to be the first to receive project updates.

About Pollution Probe
Pollution Probe is Canada’s longest-standing environmental organization, pursuing environmental gains by working productively with governments, industry, and the public, with a steadfast commitment to Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Planet. Pollution Probe engages people as thinkers to nurture and act on areas of consensus.
About QUEST Canada
QUEST Canada is a national non-profit that supports communities in Canada on their pathway to net-zero. Since 2007, we’ve been facilitating connections, empowering community champions and influencing decision-makers to implement efficient and integrated energy systems that best meet community needs and maximize local opportunities. We develop tools and resources, convene stakeholders and rights holders and advise decision-makers — all with the goal of encouraging and enabling communities to contribute to Canada’s net-zero goals.
Media Contact
To set up an interview, please contact:
Melissa Schweyer Senior Lead, Communications
t: 866-494-2770 ext. 704

Jen Hiscock, Director / Electricity, Transportation & Buildings Innovation at Natural Resources Canada
Read the quote
“The Innovation Sandbox work was timely and shed useful light on needs and opportunities for innovation policy and programming to accelerate the energy transition – addressing barriers across the system, not just technology barriers. We look forward to seeing where this goes next!”
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