News Release
QUEST Announces Changes to the Board of Directors
QUEST Announces Changes to the Board of Directors
Geoff Wright and Jess Nieukerk Join and Doug Leighton Departs
For Immediate Release
Ottawa, Ontario – March 10, 2020. Today QUEST announced Geoff Wright and Jess Nieukerk as two new additions to its Board of Directors, as well as the departure of Board Director Doug Leighton.
Geoff Wright is based in Gatineau, Québec and is the Vice President of Market Research at Brookfield Renewable. Geoff contributes to the global group’s market and commercial strategies around its utility-scale renewable and distributed generation businesses.
“I am keenly interested in understanding how local energy systems need to evolve in the face of an increasingly carbon-constrained world and finding cost-effective solutions to enable this transition,” said Geoff Wright. “ I am excited to be part of an organization that is advancing solutions on the ground in Smart Energy Communities across Canada.”
Jess Nieukerk is based in Calgary, Alberta and is currently Vice President Investor Relations and Corporate at AltaGas Canada Inc. (ACI). Jess Nieukerk has almost 20 years of experience working in the energy industry in progressively senior roles in commercial management, corporate development, communications, and investor relations.
“QUEST offers practical tools and solutions for reducing emissions, through supporting the development of Smart Energy Communities. Real progress happens when communities unlock opportunities to advance what matters most in their day to day lives – new economic opportunities, more sustainable energy systems, improved local environmental quality, more resilient infrastructure, and affordability,” said Jess Nieukerk.
“Geoff and Jess will make excellent additions to the QUEST Board of Directors,” said Mike Cleland, Chair of the Board. “Their combined expertise and influence in the Smart Energy Communities marketplace will serve to reinforce QUEST’s leadership role as the organization that is building a more sustainable energy future for Canada by empowering Smart Energy Communities.”
QUEST would also like to thank Doug Leighton for his contribution to the QUEST Board. Doug Leighton is based in Calgary, Alberta and served on the QUEST Board of Directors for two years. He has over 35 years of international experience as an urban designer, planner and architect.
“Doug’s insight on how the real estate and development sector is evolving and innovating when it comes to the efficient use of energy in communities and homes and why that matters to Smart Energy Communities has been very valuable to QUEST, said Mike Cleland. “While his time on the Board is now complete, he will remain a valuable part of the QUEST network.”
Visit the QUEST Board of Directors webpage
QUEST is a national non-government organization that works to accelerate the adoption of efficient and integrated community-scale energy systems in Canada by informing, inspiring, and connecting decision-makers. QUEST undertakes research, communicates best practices, convenes government, utility, private-sector and community leaders, and works directly with local authorities to implement on-the-ground solutions. QUEST grounds all its activities in the “Smart Energy Community”—a concept that encapsulates the ideal end state of the organization’s work.
Cheryl Ratchford, Director, Communications & Marketing, QUEST
(866) 494-2770 e.703
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