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News Release

GTI Announces Major Update to QUEST’s Smart Energy Atlas


Oct 13, 2016

Ottawa, Ontario – October 13, 2016.  Today the Community Energy Planning: Getting to Implementation in Canada initiative announced an update to QUEST’s Smart Energy Atlas.
The Smart Energy Atlas is a Canadian online repository of smart energy projects, policies, programs, plans, and resources. It is free, accessible, interactive, and searchable.
Today’s major update includes 30+ new entries including Community Energy Plans, best in class policies and programs, as well as an exciting new feature! The Atlas now includes an option to submit an entry which will be approved and posted directly to the web.
“When we started the Community Energy Planning: Getting to Implementation in Canada initiative there were 170 Community Energy Plans across Canada. Today there are more than 200, with 70 more under development,” said Dale Littlejohn, Executive Director of the Community Energy Association. “The Smart Energy Atlas will help to highlight the growing number of communities taking action on energy and emissions across Canada.”
From coast to coast, governments, utilities and energy service providers, the real-estate sector (owners, operators, builders), and the product and professional service sectors are putting in place the smart energy plans, projects, programs, and policies that are bringing Smart Energy Communities to life,” said Brent Gilmour, Executive Director at QUEST. “The Atlas offers a one stop click to learn more and it’s an open platform to allow everyone to share their smart energy projects and initiatives.”
Interact with the Smart Energy Atlas here.

About Community Energy Association (CEA)

CEA supports local governments in developing and implementing community energy and emissions plans (also known as climate action plans, community energy plans, and local action plans). We also help local governments with carbon neutral action plans for their operations.


QUEST is the leader advancing Smart Energy Communities that reduce GHG emissions, lower energy use, drive the adoption of clean technologies, and foster local economic development in Canada. Established in 2007, QUEST has a national grassroots network including over 10,000 contacts in organizations across Canada from local, provincial and territorial governments, utilities, energy service providers, building and land owners and operators, and clean technology companies working at the community level to advance Smart Energy Communities. Follow us: @QUESTCanada

About Sustainable Prosperity (SP)

SP is a national research and policy network, based at the University of Ottawa. SP focuses on market-based approaches to build a greener, more competitive economy. It brings together business, policy and academic leaders to help innovative ideas inform policy development. Follow us: @sustpro

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