
News Release

Join Us in Welcoming Eric Muller as the new Senior Lead, Central Canada


Mar 28, 2019

Toronto, Ontario – March 28, 2019. Today Eric Muller was welcomed to the QUEST network as the new Senior Lead, Central Canada.

“With the convergence of IT, AI, and new business models, we are facing perhaps the biggest single disruption that the energy industry has ever faced in Canada,” said Tonja Leach, Executive Director, QUEST. “Eric Muller brings the expertise and experience to act as a resource to QUEST subscribers and clients in central Canada as they adapt to the changing energy and infrastructure marketplace.”

Tonja Leach

Executive Director, QUEST

Eric will provide industry insights and direct support to QUEST’s Community Energy Planning Implementation Network and Distributed Energy working groups, develop the themes and topics for the upcoming QUESTtalks: Policy on June 11 in Toronto, and engage policymakers on the issues that are important to Subscribers in Ontario and across Canada.

Eric comes to QUEST from Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) where he worked in its Innovation, Research and Development group. He has comprehensive expertise in the areas of conservation, regulatory affairs, stakeholder relations, and communications from across both the IESO and the former Ontario Power Authority (OPA).

As a volunteer member of the IESO/OPA Facilitator Network since 2012, Eric is a passionate facilitator and has conducted customized facilitated sessions with executives, senior managers, and staff on cross-divisional topics such as customer service excellence, policy research priorities, risk management, and strategic planning.

“QUEST is working directly with government, utility, private-sector, and community leaders to enable on-the-ground solutions in Smart Energy Communities and I am excited to be a part of this energy transformation,” said Eric.

Eric Muller

Senior Lead, Central Canada, QUEST

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