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Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of Practice

Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of Practice

 Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of PracticeThe Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of Practice (CoP) provides a space for practitioners to share tips and best practices, ask questions of their colleagues, and receive peer-to-peer support on matters...
Electricity Transformation Canada

Electricity Transformation Canada

Electricity Transformation Canada understands how frustrating it is to have the solutions but not have the opportunity to act on them. That’s why they bring together all the key players with innovative technologies, and other stakeholders to network and collaborate at the largest conference and exhibition of the renewable energy and storage industry in Canada.

Energy Efficiency Day

Energy Efficiency Day

Efficiency Canada, alongside the Department of Building Science at Toronto Metropolitan University, would like to celebrate Energy Efficiency Day with an interactive panel featuring 10 trailblazers from the energy efficiency sector. From clean technologists to architects, engineers, tradespeople, journeymen, academics and communications specialists, this will be an inside look into the diverse future of Canada’s Sustainable Development Goals.

2023 Livable Cities Forum (LCF)

2023 Livable Cities Forum (LCF)

Most Canadian cities and towns were not built with a vision of a net zero, resilient, and sustainable future. So what does the transition to resilient, equitable, and livable communities look like? How can we embrace diversity and inclusion in the process? And, ultimately, how can we accelerate implementation to keep pace with challenges municipalities face?

Join us September 25 to 27 for the 2023 Livable Cities Forum (LCF) to explore these questions through the lens of “Intention to Implementation”.

8th Annual National Energy Roundtable Conference

8th Annual National Energy Roundtable Conference

The 8th annual National Energy Roundtable conference will gather business leaders, entrepreneurs and policy makers in Toronto for discussions on: Tranforming Canada’s Energy Systems – How Fast and How Far?

Canada and the world have a collective challenge – to develop our infrastructure and energy mix in a way that is affordable whilst significantly decarbonizing. Canada’s diverse landscape and energy mix presents the potential to become a global leader in transforming its energy systems. However, carbon emissions continue to rise and consensus on what the country’s energy future should look like has proven elusive.

As Canada’s energy needs expand, technological innovation and energy system optimization will be crucial. It is estimated that more than $2 trillion in energy and transport investments will be required over the next twenty years to replace aging infrastructure and develop the next generation of energy systems.

Join the leaders shaping Canada’s energy future at the National Energy Roundtable conference and learn about the exciting strategies and technological advances that are driving Canada’s energy transition.