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The QUEST Canada Brand

Our Brand

QUEST Canada is a national non-profit that supports communities in Canada on their pathway to net-zero. 

We offer the following brand attributes to help external partners better understand our values:


Objective: We are independent, non-partisan and committed to the public interest.


Credible: We produce and share research and information.


Collaborative: In all interactions and engagements, we strive to be respectful, fair and inclusive.


Innovative: We are dedicated to continual improvement and we embrace new technologies and approaches.

Brand Hanbook

We produced this Brand Handbook as a resource for QUEST Canada staff members, board members, advisors, partners and external parties who may wish to, or need to, communicate information about our organization to their customers, members and constituents.

The Brand Handbook includes standard language about our organization and our work, definitions of terms we frequently use and reference information on our logo, brand colour key and appropriate usage.

QUEST Canada Logos

Our logo appears below. Please only use this logo for all external uses, including publications and events, and obtain a size and format that meets your needs.

QUEST’s communications and marketing will need to review and approve, in advance of publication, any document that will include the QUEST logo. Please allow at least 48 hours for this review. Contact us at [email protected].

Full Colour Logo




White Logo



Black and White Logo