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News Release

CEA offers certificate in Community Energy Management


Oct 21, 2014

Vancouver, British-Columbia – On October 21, 2014. The Community Energy Association is pleased to announce the launch of the national Certificate in Community Energy Management. The full 6-course certificate program includes 180 learning hours and a 30% discount over registering for courses individually. With this option, you can also join a national community of practice. The convenient on-line format of this program means that classwork can be completed according to your schedule.

Courses include:


CCEM 101 Energy & Emissions Planning (Jan-Feb)


CCEM 102 Community-Based Renewable Energy (Mar-Apr)


CCEM 103 Green Energy & Local Economic Development (Man-Jun)


CCEM 104 Financing & Governance for Green Energy Systems (Jul-Aug)


CCEM 105 Reducing Energy Use in New & Existing Buildings (Sept-Oct)


CCEM 106 Low Carbon Transportation (Nov-Dec)


CCEM EXM Integrated Exam for Certification (Dec 2015 – Full Certificate only)

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