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pour atteindre le niveau net zéro

Our Communities are at the Forefront

Les collectivités sont responsables de plus de la moitié de la consommation d'énergie et des émissions de gaz à effet de serre au Canada. Alors que nous nous dirigeons vers uneconsommation net-zéro, les collectivités joueront un rôle essentiel dans la mise en œuvre de solutions sur le terrain. 

There are more than 4,000 communities in Canada at the forefront of the energy transition. They are diverse with regards to culture, geography, economies, energy mix as well as resources. Nous devons donner aux collectivités le soutien et les ressources dont elles ont besoin pour mettre en œuvre des solutions locales qui contribuent à l'atteinte de l'objectif net zéro du Canada. vers une target.

Communities on the pathway to net-zero reap several benefits. Community energy planning lowers greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants, creates energy and health expenditure, and also offers greater resilience to the impacts of climate change. On average, less than 15% of energy spending stays in the local economy, but community energy planning can change that.

 of Canada’s consommation d'énergie et des émissions de gaz à effet de serre au Canada sont le fait des collectivités.

communities in Canada

of energy spending stays
within in the local

Plan stratégique 2023-2025

Créer un avenir durable net-zéro !

Plan stratégique 2023-2025

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer notre nouveau plan stratégique pour les trois prochaines années, qui détaille notre vision, notre mission et nos valeurs actualisées, ainsi que nos priorités stratégiques et nos activités clés. 


identifying how we will make an impact


We are proud to present our first theory of change. We undertook this rigorous planning and evaluation process to hold ourselves accountable to the change our organization has the opportunity to make in Canada — and to identify how we’re going to do that. This process helped us better understand the connection between our actions and vision as well as identify intermediate steps that result in the outcomes we aim to achieve.

Our theory of change is a living document and will be further refined as we move forward to create our impact measurement, evaluation process, and test our strategies.


celebrating our national reach

Meet our updated brand

In 2020, we reached out to our network to learn more about what they thought about our brand. We received feedback suggesting that the brand should be more representative of our national unity.

We are committed to supporting all Canadian communities on their pathway to net-zero, which is why we have introduced the maple leaf to our logo — celebrating our national reach.

There are 5,000+ in our network represented by more than 20 sectors including Canadian governments, regulators, industry, utilities, associations and non-profits. In 2021 alone, we worked with more than 200 local governments directly engaged in energy capacity building across the country.

Bande-annonce de la série d'interviews

the role communities play on the pathway to net-zero

Bande-annonce de la série d'interviews

Five interviews, with five unique perspectives, about the role communities play in contributing to Canada’s net-zero targets.

Interview 1

Peter Tertzakian,, Deputy Director, ARC Energy Research Institute

Interview 3

Richard Farthing-Nichol, Project Manager, Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources

Interview 5

Tracey Teed Martin, Director, Toronto Region Operations, Enbridge Gas

Interview 2

Mayor Libby O’Hara and Councillor Emil Olsen, Town of Quispamsis, New Brunswick.

Interview 4

Dany Robidoux, Directeur Eco-West | Director, Éco-Ouest 


Rejoignez le réseau

Nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous pour soutenir les communautés canadiennes sur la voie de la consommation nette zéro !