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La technologie

Planification énergétique communautaire en Ontario

This primer, designed for small and mid-sized local governments, describes the cost of energy in Ontario’s communities, outlines some of the approaches available to keep energy dollars local, and provides access to helpful resources to support the implementation of a...

Rapport d'impact QUEST 2015

It is with much excitement that QUEST – Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow – brings you the 2015 Impact Report – a snapshot of the research, engagement and advocacy work that is advancing Smart Energy Communities in Canada.   Other...

Rapport national sur les politiques soutenant la mise en œuvre du plan énergétique communautaire

The National Report on Policies Supporting Community Energy Plan Implementation identifies how provincial, territorial and local governments can work with communities to achieve their energy objectives. It includes: A review of the role that communities play in...

Rapport sommaire: Symposium national sur les politiques

The rapid pace of technological innovation in the energy delivery and management sector is exceeding the pace of change in policy and regulatory frameworks. Addressing this challenge requires government, regulators, regulated and competitive energy providers, and...