The Roadmap provides a guide to changing the way we collect, manage, use, and think about energy and greenhouse gas...
La technologie
Examen de l'état de préparation au marché des solutions énergétiques intelligentes en Nouvelle-Écosse 2017
Reviewing Market Readiness for Smart Energy Solutions in Nova Scotia gathers information and perspectives on the...
Rapport d'impact QUEST 2016
Get your copy of the 2016 Impact Report and be among the first to know about: National research showing the state of...
Planification énergétique communautaire en Ontario
This primer, designed for small and mid-sized local governments, describes the cost of energy in Ontario’s...
Rapport d'impact QUEST 2015
It is with much excitement that QUEST – Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow – brings you the 2015 Impact Report –...
Rapport national sur les politiques soutenant la mise en œuvre du plan énergétique communautaire
The National Report on Policies Supporting Community Energy Plan Implementation identifies how provincial, territorial...
Rapport sommaire: Symposium national sur les politiques
The rapid pace of technological innovation in the energy delivery and management sector is exceeding the pace of...
Résumé des études de cas: informations tirées de la construction de communautés
This paper provides a summary of QUEST’s five business cases, highlighting their technical, governance, regulatory and...
Rapport national sur la mise en œuvre du plan énergétique communautaire
This Report: Defines what a Community Energy Plan is, what the key drivers are, and what benefits a CEP has for a...
Tuyaux et fils résilients Sensibilisation à l’adaptation, actions et politiques dans le secteur de la distribution d’énergie
This Report examines the level of awareness among electric,natural gas and thermal energy distributors about adapting...
Le rôle de l’énergie de quartier dans la résilience énergétique des collectivités de la Nouvelle-Écosse
This paper explores the opportunity and need to include thermal energy as part of any energy policy initiative going...
Faire progresser la planification énergétique communautaire intégrée en Ontario: Guide d'introduction
This primer is designed to help Ontario municipalities to better understand how they can work within the current...
Rapport d'avancement du CIEM: province de la Colombie-Britannique
The "Integrated Community Energy Solutions Progress Report for the Province of British Columbia" was released in...
Série sur le transport durable en Nouvelle-Écosse: c'est plus que des autobus
The NS Sustainable Transportation Series was commissioned by the QUEST Nova Scotia Caucus with funding from the NS...
Série sur le transport durable en Nouvelle-Écosse: Mise à jour de la stratégie de mobilité verte 2013
The NS Sustainable Transportation Series was commissioned by the QUEST Nova Scotia Caucus with funding from the NS...
NS Sustainable Transportation Series: Réseau cyclable Peninsula
The NS Sustainable Transportation Series was commissioned by the QUEST Nova Scotia Caucus with funding from the NS...
Document n ° 1 Bâtir des communautés énergétiques intelligentes
Building Smart Energy Communities: Implementing Integrated Community Energy Solutions This is the introductory paper...
Papier n ° 2 Combustibles et technologie pour des solutions énergétiques communautaires intégrées
Fuels and Technologies for Integrated Community Energy Solutions presents QUEST’s point of view on fuels and...
Document n ° 3 Régulation économique et développement de systèmes énergétiques intégrés
Economic Regulation and the Development of Integrated Energy Systems This paper presents QUEST’s position on the key...