Enabling Low-Carbon Energy Projects for Investments

Enabling Low-Carbon Energy Projects for Investments

Communities in Canada are increasingly developing local, low-carbon energy projects, but many face road-blocks with regards to financing. Simultaneously, Canadian investors are seeking low-carbon investments, but are challenged to find local opportunities at scale for investment. The Enabling Low Carbon Energy Projects for Investment (ELCEPI) research project aims to offer recommendations and solutions to close these financing gaps, while connecting the barriers and enablers for investment to larger socio-economic issues.

Town of Woodstock

Village of Southern Victoria

On January 1, 2023, the village changed its name to the Village of Southern Victoria as a result of Local Governance Reform. The Village is located in Victoria County, in western New Brunswick and is in close proximity to Tobique First Nation. The community is located in close proximity to the Trans Canada Highway, which has allowed it to develop an Industrial Park. It is also just 10 km from the US border.