Ontario Community Energy and Climate Meeting
VirtualBy implementing a community energy and emissions plan (CEEP) and using energy more efficiently, a community can keep dollars circulating longer in its economy, generate opportunities for local energy projects and jobs, and help manage risks from increasing energy prices and a changing climate. In Ontario, the number of communities implementing a CEEP is growing […]
Prairie Net-Zero Communities Accelerator Working Group
OnlineWe are honoured to have Marc Baxter, Environment and Sustainability Lead, Electricity Sustainability and Innovation at the Government of Alberta, as our speaker. Marc's role has been pivotal in shaping policies that align Alberta's environmental goals with the province's electricity system. His insights will surely enhance our understanding of Alberta's electricity system, its structure, governance, […]
Low Carbon Thermal Network
The Low-Carbon Thermal Network will enhance cooperation between QUEST Canada Supporters with an interest in low-carbon thermal energy by providing a forum for discussion and information exchange intended to help build a robust low-carbon thermal marketplace in Canada. To join contact Norma Panetta.
Communauté de pratique pour l'innovation dans le domaine des énergies à faible teneur en carbone
The Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of Practice (CoP) provides a space for practitioners to share tips and best practices, ask questions of their colleagues, and receive peer-to-peer support on matters relating to low-carbon energy innovation. As a member of the CoP, participants will be able to learn from and share best practices with colleagues […]
Communauté de pratique nationale sur la rénovation profonde
The National Deep Retrofit Community of Practice is made up of stakeholders interested in implementing deep retrofit strategies at the community level. Participants will meet five times a year. The goal is to create a Community of Practice for municipal staff interested in quickly and effectively implementing deep retrofits in their communities. This Community of […]