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Energy Transformation Forum Canada

juin 25 - juin 26

The Canadian Institute is thrilled to introduce a two-day conference tailored for professionals in energy transformation and planning, CCUS, fuel cells and hydrogen development, carbon markets, transitional fuels, and energy policy, who are innovating in the energy transformation space while working towards a cleaner energy future.

Canada is aiming to reduce carbon emissions toward the goal of a net zero and transition out of fossil fuels, joining 120 countries committed to achieve no greenhouse gas emissions or to offset its emissions by 2050. Federal government is introducing a ‘Just Transition’ plan for legislation to a clean energy economy.

These emission reduction plans set strict targets for all industries driving growth in the renewable energy sector and development of new technologies but leaving uncertainty around the path to Net Zero.

This two-day conference will address the challenges faced by the businesses moving towards net zero and decarbonizing energy in Canada. Delegates will have an opportunity to network and benchmark with peers from leading energy companies, learn about the latest technologies from cleantech experts, and hear directly from the respective government agencies.

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Début :
juin 25
Fin :
juin 26
Catégorie d’Évènement:
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Canadian Institute