
Communiqué de presse

QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe Initiate Research on Canada’s Low Carbon Energy Innovation Policies

Sep 6, 2023

QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe Initiate Research on Canada’s Low Carbon Energy Innovation Policies

September 6, 2023 – QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe’s Low Carbon Energy Innovation project has reached a new milestone with the completion of its third Community of Practice (CoP) meeting and with research and development well underway.

Building on QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe’s successful Innovation Sandboxes initiative, the Low Carbon Energy Innovation project examines how Canada can create the necessary regulatory, policy, and market conditions to deploy low-carbon innovation throughout the country.

To date, QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe have hosted three Community of Practice meetings, with over 120 participants from across the country in attendance, providing a space for practitioners to share tips and best practices, ask questions, and receive peer-to-peer support on matters relating to low-carbon energy innovation. The next upcoming CoP meeting will feature presentations from Smart Grid Atlantic (NB Power) and the Transition Accelerator, detailing its Electrifying Canada initiative.

In addition to the successes achieved with the project’s CoP meetings, QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe have also initiated the research component of the project. Research will culminate with the creation of a database of innovation policies alongside a scorecard. Currently, work is underway to complete a literature review of existing energy and innovation policies in every Canadian jurisdiction, followed by targeted interviews and sectoral and jurisdictional discussion groups. 

“Deploying scalable low carbon energy innovation will further enable Canada to reach its net-zero goals by 2050, but it will require local action and participation. That’s why we’re especially intent on researching and gathering data on the existing energy and innovation policies throughout the country, in every jurisdiction.

Tonja Leach

directrice générale, QUEST Canada

“Canada needs to develop an adequate set of policies that will scale and enable the deployment of available low carbon technologies in order to meet our net-zero targets. The aim of our research is to capture the current state of low carbon innovation and provide a robust assessment of the low-carbon innovation landscape in Canada to inform future best practices.

Richard Carlson

Director, Energy, Pollution Probe

For more information on this project, visit the Low Carbon Energy Innovation Project page et de la join our mailing list to be the first to receive project updates. To learn more or participate in the Low Carbon Energy Innovation Community of Practice, visit our CoP webpage

This project is made possible with funding support from the Suncor Energy Foundation (SEF).


People collaborating and researching around an office desk

À propos de QUEST Canada

QUEST Canada is a national charity that supports communities in Canada on their pathway to net-zero. Since 2007, we’ve been facilitating connections, empowering community champions and influencing decision-makers to implement efficient and integrated energy systems that best meet community needs and maximize local opportunities. We develop tools and resources, convene stakeholders and rights holders and advise decision-makers — all with the goal of encouraging and enabling communities to contribute to Canada’s net-zero goals.

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Pour organiser un entretien, veuillez contacter :

Melissa Schweyer,
Responsable de la communication

t : 866-494-2770 poste 704
e : mschweyer@questcanada.org


Tonja Leach Headshot

Tonja Leach, directrice générale de QUEST Canada

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“Deploying scalable low carbon energy innovation will further enable Canada to reach its net-zero goals by 2050, but it will require local action and participation. That’s why we’re especially intent on researching and gathering data on the existing energy and innovation policies throughout the country, in every jurisdiction.

Richard Carlson headshot

Richard Carlson, Director, Energy at Pollution Probe

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“Canada needs to develop an adequate set of policies that will scale and enable the deployment of available low carbon technologies in order to meet our net-zero targets. The aim of our research is to capture the current state of low carbon innovation and provide a robust assessment of the low-carbon innovation landscape in Canada to inform future best practices.


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