
Communiqué de presse

Pollution Probe and QUEST Canada Launch Advancing Community Energy Planning Alignment & Implementation Framework for Ontario

Sep 29, 2022

Pollution Probe and QUEST Canada Launch Advancing Community Energy Planning Alignment & Implementation Framework for Ontario


September 29, 2022Today, Pollution Probe and QUEST Canada are releasing the Advancing Community Energy Planning Alignment & Implementation Framework for Ontario.

In response to the global climate emergency, many Ontario communities are developing ambitious community energy plans or climate action plans. These plans increasingly chart a long-term course towards net-zero emissions. To achieve this goal, communities are  envisioning unprecedented transformations in how energy is generated and used in virtually every aspect of community life: how we live, work, travel, learn, and play. 

However, despite their ambitions and political will, communities are unable to implement these plans on their own as most of the decarbonization measures are outside of their direct control. Success requires everyone in the community to work together.

Pollution Probe and QUEST Canada’s Advancing Community Energy Planning Alignment & Implementation Framework for Ontario is intended to assist communities identify and activate the resources and actors needed to drive implementation of their energy or climate plan. The Framework provides an integrated approach that communities can employ to engage and align the efforts and objectives of all relevant stakeholders to unlock opportunities for achieving community energy and emission goals and supporting municipalities in the transition to net-zero. The Framework aims to improve the prospects and mechanics for CEP implementation, ensuring that resources are targeted at initiatives that have strong support, provide substantial benefits, and address broad community priorities.

Communities are at the forefront of the net-zero energy transition, and they are stepping up through their community energy plans and climate action plans. This new Framework will help them bring all stakeholders together to more effectively realize their plans.

Richard Carlson

Director of Energy, Pollution Probe

This Framework will empower communities with the tools they need to get started on achieving their net-zero goals. Together, Ontario communities will be able to make their vision of a greener future a reality. 

The City of Burlington graciously agreed to be the pilot community for the Advancing Community Energy Planning Alignment & Implementation Framework for Ontario. Funding to develop the Framework was provided in part through the IESO’s Grid Innovation Fund. 

A photo of the Burlington pier

Burlington, Ontario

À propos de Pollution Probe

Pollution Probe is Canada’s longest-standing environmental organization, pursuing environmental gains by working productively with governments, industry, and the public, with a steadfast commitment to Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Planet. Pollution Probe engages people as thinkers to nurture and act on areas of consensus.

À propos de QUEST Canada

QUEST Canada est un organisme national à but non lucratif qui soutient les collectivités canadiennes dans leur cheminement vers la consommation nette zéro. Depuis 2007, nous facilitons les connexions, donnons du pouvoir aux champions communautaires et influençons les décideurs pour mettre en œuvre des systèmes énergétiques efficaces et intégrés qui répondent le mieux aux besoins des communautés et maximisent les opportunités locales. Nous développons des outils et des ressources, nous réunissons les parties prenantes et les détenteurs de droits et nous conseillons les décideurs - tout cela dans le but d'encourager et de permettre aux communautés de contribuer aux objectifs de consommation nette zéro du Canada. Pour en savoir plus sur QUEST Canada, visitez notre site Web : www.questcanada.org.

Contact presse

Pour organiser un entretien, veuillez contacter :

Melissa Schweyer Responsable de la communication

t : 866-494-2770 poste 704

e : mschweyer@questcanada.org


Richard Carlson headshot

Richard Carlson, Director of Energy at Pollution Probe

Lire la citation

“Communities are at the forefront of the net-zero energy transition, and they are stepping up through their community energy plans and climate action plans. This new Framework will help them bring all stakeholders together to more effectively realize their plans.”


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