
National Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Handbook

A Resource for Canadian Municipalities
RNG Handbook

An Applied Resource for Canadian Municipalities on the Implementation of Renewable Natural Gas

May 2020

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) presents a unique opportunity not only to tackle GHG emissions and improve local air quality, but also to advance a circular economy for municipalities. When implemented on a municipal scale, biomethane can also be injected into local gas utility distribution systems as RNG, given its chemical similarity to fossil natural gas.  

Ideal for municipal officials and staff, our RNG Handbook reviews RNG sources, production, benefits, and provides an outline for RNG project planning and implementation.

The Webinar

On May 25th, QUEST, CGA, and CBA held a webinar to present the key findings of the Handbook. Tom McLenaghan, Program Manager, New Infrastructure – Waste Management Division of the Region of Peel shared their experience with the Anaerobic Digestion Facility Project. 

Replay the webinar et de la download the presentation.

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QUEST mène et prépare une recherche appliquée de pointe pour habiliter les praticiens et les décideurs avec les outils dont ils ont besoin pour faire progresser les communautés énergétiques intelligentes. En savoir plus sur nos projets:

Equitable Engagement

Equitable Engagement

The Equitable Engagement project works to incorporate Indigenous knowledge as well as equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) considerations into QUEST Canada’s capacity building-based initiatives. The aim of this project is to ensure current and future participating communities are equipped with the tools, resources, and knowledge required to engage all stakeholders on the pathway to a durable and just net-zero future.