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National Deep Retrofit

Community of Practice

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Buildings are responsible for 12-17 per cent of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Most community local energy and climate plans include a goal of retrofitting local building stock — yet conventional methods of deep retrofits are not scalable and are too slow and expensive to achieve goals.

The National Deep Retrofit Community of Practice is made up of stakeholders interested in implementing deep retrofit strategies at the community level. Participants will meet five times a year. The goal is to create a Community of Practice for municipal staff interested in quickly and effectively implementing deep retrofits in their communities. This Community of Practice is in partnership with the ReCover Initiative.


Community of Practice Participants

L' Community of Practice is open to and is relevant to:

Municipal staff


Research and non-profit organizations


Canadian (and non-Canadian) Energiesprong-ers




Create a community of practice for municipal staff interested in more quickly and effectively implementing deep retrofit in their communities.


Knowledge sharing and collaboration with and between Canadian municipalities to increase confidence in Deep Retrofits across the country.


Contributing to the implementation, scalability, replicability, efficiency and predictability of deep retrofit projects.  


Municipal deep retrofit strategies


Retrofit codes


Deep Retrofit workforce and capacity development


Policy, research and best practices






Visit our events calendar and sign up for national and regional newsletters for all upcoming meeting dates.

The ReCover Initiative

Ce Community of Practice is in partnership with the ReCover Initiative.

Conventional methods of performing deep energy retrofits on buildings are slow and expensive, because every project is custom, as every building is unique. The ReCover Initiative is based on a systematic, modular approach to affordable deep energy retrofits, developed in the Netherlands, called EnergieSprong.

The process involves wrapping the building in a new prefabricated skin and replacing the mechanical systems with smaller, more efficient components. This method is faster and less disruptive than a typical renovation, and it allows for occupants to remain in their home throughout the work. Additionally, following a systematic process reduces risk to the contractor and reduces costs to the owner.

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To learn more about joining the National Deep Retrofit Community of Practice, email us today!