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Equitable Engagement

The Equitable Engagement project works to incorporate Indigenous knowledge as well as equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) considerations into QUEST Canada’s capacity building-based initiatives. The aim of this project is to ensure current and future participating communities are equipped with the tools, resources, and knowledge required to engage all stakeholders on the pathway to a durable and just net-zero future.

Centre de ressources sur la planification communautaire de l’énergie et des émissions

Partnering for Indigenous Community Energy Capacity (PICEC) is an Indigenous, community-led initiative aimed at strengthening the understanding and knowledge of priorities, needs, and challenges surrounding community energy planning.

Powered by Communities

Powered by Communities is an awareness-raising platform that highlights and celebrates local community energy initiatives taking place across the country.

Programme d'accélération des collectivités à consommation nette zéro

QUEST Canada and four partnering organizations announce the launch of the inaugural Prairies Cohort, consisting of 10 communities who will participate in the Net-Zero Communities Accelerator (NCA) Program. QUEST Canada recently announced the launch of its signature...
Equitable Engagement

Equitable Engagement

The Equitable Engagement project works to incorporate Indigenous knowledge as well as equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) considerations into QUEST Canada’s capacity building-based initiatives. The aim of this project is to ensure current and future participating communities are equipped with the tools, resources, and knowledge required to engage all stakeholders on the pathway to a durable and just net-zero future.

Powered by Communities

Powered by Communities

Powered by Communities is an awareness-raising platform that highlights and celebrates local community energy initiatives taking place across the country.



For many municipalities, there is a disconnect between broader provincial planning policies and programs and local...