Diverse Pathways to Net-Zero
All Net-Zero Pathways Begin With a Local Step
October 2021
The Diverse Pathways to Net-Zero initiative examines the critical role that Canadian communities play on the pathway to net-zero.
Aperçu du projet
During the first phase of this initiative, we published the following research:
1. Literature Review
A review of literature that informs net-zero transition policies in Canada, published over the last three years, reinforces the critical role that communities have in achieving net-zero. It highlights that little consideration about the roles of, and implications for, communities has been considered in modelling, plans, and policy making to date.
2. The Development of Community Archetypes
This research explores the first building blocks in the development of a comprehensive archetype framework for Canadian communities. It shows that community archetyping can be an effective tool to refine what resources and capacity is needed in Canadian communities on the pathway to net-zero.
Research and extensive engagement are required to leverage community perspectives. The Diverse Pathways to Net Zero initiative aims to capture, champion, and communicate community pathways and achievements. Over the next three years, the project will fill a critical gap in moving net-zero transitions toward achievement.
Executive Summary
All Net-Zero Pathways Begin With a Local Step
A Literature Review of Research Informing Net-Zero Transition Policy in Canada
Community Archetypes
A Framework to Inform the Development of Net-Zero Transition Policy in Canada
Partenaires du projet

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QUEST mène et prépare une recherche appliquée de pointe pour habiliter les praticiens et les décideurs avec les outils dont ils ont besoin pour faire progresser les communautés énergétiques intelligentes. En savoir plus sur nos projets:
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