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Le Guide illustré de l’énergie communautaire: Exploration du potentiel énergétique durable de votre quartier

This guide aims to inform citizens about community energy in British Columbia through the use of illustrations. Background information, key concepts, and community- and regional-level energy options are illustrated. Metro Vancouver case studies are used to exemplify...

Comment créer un plan d'action local pour gérer l'énergie et les émissions

The Partners for Climate Protection’s Milestone program is designed to help Municipalities improve their environmental performance by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. The milestones are meant to be flexible to allow the municipality to build a local action...

Planification énergétique communautaire: planification, développement et livraison, stratégies pour les réseaux thermiques

This guide provides a framework for community leaders interested in developing District Energy, drawing on experiences from the US and abroad. It focuses on two energy supply systems including District Energy and Combined Heat and Power, examining the long-term...

Cartographie énergétique intégrée pour les communautés ontariennes

This report summarizes an energy mapping exercise undertaken by the City of London for the purpose of developing an Integrate Energy Mapping Strategy (IEMS). The IEMS workshop sought to identify opportunities to reduce community energy consumption and greenhouse gas...

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